When you place an order with CINCH Traps we ask you to provide your name, address, email address, phone number, and credit card information so that we may fulfill your order and have contact information for you in case of any concerns with your order. This information is stored in our customer database in a secure area, we do not share or sell this information to anyone else.
In order to improve your shopping experience at, we may track the way customers are shopping. However, personal information such as your name and email address are not included in this analysis.
We use internet security services provided by COMODO and, the world leader in credit card processing, to ensure that orders are secure. The security features are automatic, meaning you don’t need to do anything special to activate them. Once you’ve added an item to your shopping cart and enter Checkout you will enter a secured area where you may securely fill in your credit card information. You can verify your connection is secure in two ways:
Check to make sure your browser indicates a green padlock near where the URL is.
Make sure the address bar has a URL starting with
https:// (most modern browsers will turn that text green as well)
Behind the scenes we are encrypting your credit card information as it is sent over the Internet from your web browser to our web server. If you have any questions about Privacy or Security please feel free to
contact us.