About Moles and Gophers
Our CINCH Traps sizes are determined by the diameter of the tunnel system the gopher or mole had created.
If you have located the tunnel system, measure the diameter of this tunnel.
Trap Sizes | |||||
Large Gopher | Medium Gopher | Large Mole | Medium Mole | Small Gopher | Small Mole |
3 ½” | 3” | 3” | 1 7/8 ” – 2 ¼” | 1 7/8 ” – 2 ¼” | 1 ¼” x 1 ½” |
* Size is when trap is set into tunnel- size of set trap should fit snug into the tunnel you have (Approximate sizes) |
Here are some distinct differences. Moles, typically create a volcano shaped mound or a trail just beneath the surface of the ground. They have 2 glove-like front paws that allow them to move quickly in the dirt. They are an insectivore, which means there diet contains worms, grubs and other underground insects. Gophers create a horseshoe shaped mound with most of the dirt kicked to one side of the entry tunnel. They are an herbivore, which means there diet contains roots, bark, vegetables, and plants. Gophers, unlike the moles, are more common to be seen above ground in search of a food source or new living territory. There are many types of moles or gophers within the U.S
There are many ways to keep your pets away from the traps. The easiest way is to cover the traps with a 5-gallon bucket that has the bottom cut out, a milk crate, a steel grate, or an old window screen. Any covering option you choose, place a brick or rock to that covering to secure it into place while the traps are set in the tunnel. These critters prefer to navigate when there is less surface activity. Placing your traps in the early morning or at the end of the night can help avoid your pets being be around the area of the traps while they are activated in the tunnel.
The number of mounds or trails on your property does not determine the number of gophers or moles you truly have in your area. Moles have the ability to dig surface tunnels at rates of nearly 18 feet in an hour and can travel through existing tunnels at speeds reaching near 80 feet per minute. One mole can create over 250 mounds in just a half of a year. Gophers are very similar to the travel and creating mounds, as they can bring 2 ¼ tons of soil to the surface each year.
Our trap’s unique design gives many differences to other traps out there. The visual design is the most noticeable. When you place the trap into the tunnel, you do not have to worry about the gopher dragging it down into the tunnel system. With our design all of the business end of the trap is in the tunnel/ home of the gopher or mole. The metal plate is the only piece exposed, making it easy for the varmint to not notice walking into the trap and allowing the trap to complete its movement without the wires getting hung up along the way. Another difference is leaving the hole open, allowing the air flow to enter the tunnel system and cause the gopher or mole to come back to the trap. In the structural design of the CINCH Trap, based on the species and size of the trap you use, the trigger system is set differently. Knowing each size of critter pushes different amounts of dirt to plug the hole you have opened. We have strategically positioned the trigger to be closer or farther from the jaw end of the trap. This allows the dirt to be pushed through the jaw and giving room for the gopher or mole to be caught in the traps.
You are technically providing a predator scent to travel into the home or tunnel system of the gopher and mole. This can lead to a plugged hole with or without the trap being sprung. If this happens, wash your hands. Then wash the trap. Once the trap is clean and dried, spray either our CINCH Maintenance Spray or a lubricated based spray onto the trap. This will deter any predator scent left on the trap. We do recommend gloves for a better deterrent against human and predator scents. This will not work if you wear the gloves and then pet your animals.

To keep the longevity of the traps. You will want to maintain them. After the catch, grab the traps and spray them down with a hose, removing any dirt or debris from the traps. Dry the metal well to avoid rust. Mist the moving parts (the spring and the joint next to the jaws) of the trap with either the CINCH Maintenance Spray or a lubricant based spray. Then, store these traps in a dry, safe place.
Nothing you did is wrong. The genetic make-up of these species is to not be eaten by other animals. They are skilled in avoiding anything that is not normal to them or their surroundings. To help avoid this disturbance use a dirt clod or rock from the excavated dirt you dug out and place it under the metal plate of the trap. This gives a tilt to the trap, making sure the jaw end of the trap is as close to the tunnel floor as possible. This will let the low scurrying gopher or mole to move easily through the tunnel and not bump his nose on the end of the trap. Another situation would be if there is a bend or ‘Y’ in the tunnel. This is why it is important to probe the tunnel system, before placing the traps. If there is a bend or angle in the tunnel, this will butt the jaws of the trap at the wall of the tunnel and allow the gopher or mole to go around the jaw and not through the middle, like it should. If there is a ‘Y’ in the tunnel system, the jaw ends will be blocking the path of the gopher or mole; they will bump this and fill the tunnel. This situation is rare and is usually more noticeable based on a higher population of gophers or moles in a smaller area. In reference to the trap not being sprung, some gophers or moles only push a little dirt to plug the hole, which does not allow them to push enough dirt to put pressure on the trigger to set off the trap. If this is the case, setting the last loop wire more sensitive to the trigger wire. Even a 1/8 of an inch will provide more sensitivity to the trigger of the trap.
The best way to determine where to place the CINCH Traps is to step on all of the mounds or trails created by the gopher or mole. Watch for the mound to be recreated or pushed up again and place the traps there. This is a good indication they are active in this tunnel system. Overall provides a better visual to what is an old mound and what is new mound.
Honestly, the #1 way to remove a gopher or mole from the property is by trapping. This gives you the sure evidence that you have removed this critter. You may have to get your hands dirty, but this avoids you spending endless amounts of time, money and effort trying something new to get rid of those gophers or moles. There are many false statements out there about removing gophers and moles. A few of these would be using castor beans or oil, vibration poles, poison worms or grain, smoke or gas bombs, flooding them out with water, using juicy fruit or baits. Yes, you might have temporarily stopped the activity, but you do not know if you have got rid of the gopher or mole.
These are used to provide a better visual of where you had placed the CINCH Traps. This helps you avoid mowing over them or losing them within the large property you live on. From mowing over them or losing them within the large property you live on. The CINCH flags mainly provide assistance with trapping gophers and moles while saving your lawn or garden.
Warranty Coverage:
- Broken Spring
- Trigger Wire Defects: such as it is bent or too short from the original trap purchased
- Manufacturer Defect: such as steel, plate or spring defects
- Damage to trap from shipping