How it Works
How to set traps in Mole and Gopher Tunnels
Identifying Mole and Gopher Mounds
The key to identification of a mole is the mound. The mole mound is somewhat conical in shape and not much over a foot in diameter. A mole mound will often be formed by fine soil. The hole is not evident when you look at the mound. Push the soil aside and you will find the hole under the center of the mound. Each mound is connected with another in a line by the moles runway system. Mole runways may vary from 1” to 2,” but seldom over 2.”

Gophers are active throughout the year and fresh workings may be found in any month. A gopher will dig up to 7 or 8 tunnels which may extend as much as 800 feet each. Most of the tunneling activity can be seen during the fall. Burrows vary from 2 to 3 inches in diameter. These are mostly parallel to the ground surface, usually at depths from 6 to 12 inches, with secondary tunnels down 24 to 30 inches. New activity sometimes is not visible above ground, because the gopher is very capable of backfilling tunnels that are no longer needed. By fall, one gopher will have accumulated seven or eight storage rooms packed with tubers, and roots. Because of its subterranean nature and the sometimes-limited amount of surface sign, the damage caused by this animal often goes unnoticed.Easy to set CINCH Traps, Trap Moles and Gophers Easier and Faster

How to set a CINCH Trap It’s a CINCH
Remove the dirt from a fresh mound and dig down below the surface, usually about 6” to 8” and you will find 2 tunnels going in different directions. Remove enough dirt to allow for 2 traps to be placed in the tunnel system.Step 1Hold the trap so the set wires A and B are hanging loose. Pull the trigger wire C back. The trap is now ready to set.

Step 2Holding the trap firm with one hand, raise the active jaw wire D and lower it to the opposite side of the trap base. Position the forward set wire A across the active jaw wire D as shown.

Step 3Position the rear set wire B across set wire A. Push the trigger wire C forward making sure the set wire B is positioned behind the tab as illustrated. When you push the trigger wire C you are in the guide area on the rear of the trap base.

Step 4The trap is now set and ready to be positioned into the mole run.
Place the traps in opposite directions (2 traps are recommended for the best results).

It is not necessary to cover the opening unless you are concerned with pets or other interference. When the mole or gopher returns to investigate the disturbed tunnel area, it will activate the trigger and the powerful spring steel jaws will close around the middle of its body causing instant results. Remove the trap, replace the dirt and continue to observe the area for further activity.
Remember, if it’s not stamped “CINCH” then it’s not the original.
Thank you for your patronage and continued trust in the original CINCH Traps.
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